Trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese are amazing experts at sculpting bodies and have tons of awards to prove it! This program shares their strategies on resistance training to shape powerful muscles, shed body fat, and build a ripped physique. PLUS muscle burns FAT. We all want to keep that metabolism fired up so anything with strength training and cardio is a keeper in my book!
Overall, I really enjoyed this program. It definitely pushed my limits at times. It is not a program for beginners, but there is a modifier to show you how to do the moves at a lower intensity. Believe me, I did use the modifiers in the beginning but by the end I surprised myself and was able to complete the moves for longer and with more repetitions. There are 12 different workouts so there is always variety! The workouts range from 17 to 45 minutes, on average of 30-40 mins a day, and there is 1 rest day a week. I really enjoyed most of the workouts, they went by very quick and for the most part were actually fun! The only thing I wish they included more of in this program was a stretch or yoga recovery day but overall I was very happy with the workouts. I definitely liked the Hammer workouts more than the Chisel workouts, surprisingly!
-You need dumbbells {5-20lbs} for depending on your strength. I used a powerblock weight set and it worked perfectly!
-Pull up bar or over the door attachment for the resistance bands. I first started the program with a resistance band, then moved to a pull up bar with the beachbody pull up assist.
-Weight bench or stability ball
-Pull up bar or over the door attachment for the resistance bands. I first started the program with a resistance band, then moved to a pull up bar with the beachbody pull up assist.
-Weight bench or stability ball
The meal plan is simple and easy to follow. The nutrition plan is based around 7 portion control containers and is very similar to the 21 day fix meal plan and comes with some great (and easy) recipes. The containers help you portion out the right amount of food to help you reach your unique fitness goals. I used Plan A along with a daily dose of dense super food nutrition in Shakeology (my favorite meal of the day!) With this plan you are eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours so there is no going hungry! Although my nutrition wasn't 100 percent, I'd say I followed the meal plan about 80 percent of the time (mostly because of weekend give ins).
So, I'm sure you're wondering how I did! In 60 days, I lost 4.6 lbs and my body fat went from 24.5% to 23.7%. I also lost a total of 6.6 inches, down 2.7 inches in my waist and 2.8 inches in my hips! This program definitely helped me tone up and get stronger!
Overall I am very happy with this program and would do it again in the future. The great thing about it there are different variations of the program, you can do a 60 day hammer and chisel or a 30 day chisel or a 30 day hammer so there is no getting bored! I think in the future I would go for the 30 day hammer! If you are interested in completing The Master's Hammer and Chisel please fill out a challenge group application and I will personally contact you with more details with how you can get started!